IOTT Stations of the Cross

Go deeper into this lent with meditations on the stations of the Cross by Dcn. Brian. Take one station per day. Watch the video and listen to the meditation and then in silence listening. What is Jesus saying to you at this moment? Contemplate his journey to the cross and reflect on the images of each station you experience here. Know what Jesus endured for our salvation. Contemplate the Love of the Father for us, who gave up His only Son for our Redemption.

Stations Of The Cross IOTT 1
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 2
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 3
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 4
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 5
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 6
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 7
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 8
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 9
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 10
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 11
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 12
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 13
Stations Of The Cross IOTT 14
Intercessors of the Trinity
PO BOX 712 Evergreen Colorado, 80437
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